Tag Archives: CBC

A rebirth of Competence in Uganda’s Academics

Xray Machine: The students made an Xray machine that has been used to detect cancer in rats. Surely, wouldn’t such an effort deserve a portion of the innovation funds that the Government is splashing out to nonviable projects? Like the Covid Vaccine?

Remote Controlled Car: Students from Ntare did demonstrate the operation of a car that they had designed which can be remote controlled and has sensors that enable it avoid flipping off the table it was moving on. This is a good first step towards seeing them get deeper into robotics and AI.

  1. Today’s students are being empowered with practical knowledge and skills from the word go.
  2. They are not only gaining scientific knowledge and skills but also benefiting from the mindset change. They are now solution thinkers.
  3. The students are clearly focusing on local problems in order to come up with solutions. This shall in turn address the Balance of Trade issues of the country putting it in our favour.
  4. The students are already in position to become participants in the economic production processes.
  5. They are being positioned to change the narrative of how this country should be run.