Tag Archives: Home business

Managing Stress as an Entrepreneur

Everyday I meet people that have a lot of admiration for entrepreneurs and eagerly look forward to emulating them. They imagine that running your own business setup is not only the best thing but also most relaxing. Lie!!! This is the biggest lie ever.

The average Joe would rather have a job where orders come from above and all he has to do is execute according to the availed guidelines than be the one to generate those orders while ensuring that the actual destiny of the business remains positive.

Before you start the business, issues of moulding your idea, researching, identifying resources to run the business, product testing, etc will keep your mind racing and can stress you to the limit. When the business kicks off, managing staff, dealing with authorities, marketing, sales, rent, salaries all become another stress factor. Even in maturity, matters concerning departing staff, theft, Tax reconciliations, bidding, accessing credit for big assignments etc have the ability to push your stress levels to a new high. So, there is never a moment when an entrepreneur can say that they are stress free.

This is why the best solution lies in managing it. One should develop the intelligence to detect when it’s kicking in then jump into stress management mode. You can also develop certain behavioural activities around you that automatically help ease on stress.

Compartmentalise your life. Most business owners have a challenge of leading an entirely business life everywhere they go. Upon departure from office, one finds themselves at home punching away on the computer instead of attending to the needs of your partner or children. This tends to lead to late night work which then denies you enough rest in time for the following day. Make it a point to rest from your work, however urgent pending issues may be, they can wait for 8am the following day. This rest should not only be physical but also mental. Lock out all thoughts about work

Deal with challenges smartly. Challenges are part and parcel of the daily routine of an entrepreneur. Some are small and easy to sort out while others are too big to easily shove aside. Deal with them as they come, solve those that you can while not despairing on those that keep lingering. The only roadblock is your mind, if it builds up a particular challenge into something invincible, the stress sets in.

People. Identify the right people to work with or for you. Let us face it, you cant do everything in a business, however simple the individual tasks may seem. Book keeping is all about records, this data entry exercise can mess you up big time in case it’s poorly handled and an audit is being done.

Often times it is the small things that build up our stress e.g. failing to deliver a customer’s order on time as promised just because you got caught up elsewhere. By having an errand boy to take charge of such, you get an opportunity to reduce your problems.

Be Optimistic. The situation may be dire and seemingly hopeless. As opposed to worrying and teetering around in fear, you have a choice to remain optimistic with the hope that things will be fine. Each circumstance has both positives and negatives. Focus on the positives because stress usually arises when our focus is on negatives.

Celebrate your achievements. While running a business, there are achievements made on nearly a daily basis. Society though has conditioned us to take notice mainly of failures, however small. Always make a list of achievements and whenever you are swamped by challenges, instead of being swallowed up by the stress they yield, read out loud your achievement list and congratulate yourself.

Time off. Work can be too much making it very easy for one to work all through the day without noticing. Continuously doing this can lead to stress. During the work day, make time for some relaxation that involves you switching off work fully. I have a passion for watching cartoons. Between 1pm and 2pm, I usually watch downloaded videos of Tom & Jerry cartoons. Their kiddish humour gets me laughing all the way and it has been medically proved that laughing is one way of keeping away stress.

Health. You ought to mind your health. For most of us it’s business as usual until that inevitable moment when we have to see a doctor. The food you eat can help combat stress. Fruits and vegetables rich in anti-oxidants are advisable to eat like carrots, oranges and other citrus fruits. High fibre carbohydrate foods are also advised. Try to avoid caffeine, sugars and high fat foods.

Shove away the fuss. Every challenge comes with a lot of fuss around it. Failure to file tax returns on time could be accompanied with threats of closure by the authorities, freezing of the bank accounts, failure to implement projects, inability to get an updated tax clearance certificate e.t.c. Forget the rest and focus on filing the tax returns otherwise the multiple issues arising might stress you yet they all depend upon one activity.

One day at a time. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34) There is a tendency for business owners to lump up worries of an entire month or year ahead and get pre-occupied with them in the present. The Bible assures us that we have enough worries for today, why not save yourself stress of worrying over something which you most likely will only be able to change in future? By handling your challenges and tasks one day at a time, the stress is likely to be far less.

Tame Fear. Elon Musk, the man of the moment in global innovation once said, “Fear is finite, hope is infinite. We are afraid of failing, but it doesn’t stop us from trying.” Fear not only prevents us from achieving but it also catalyses stress whenever we imagine how badly things might turn out to be. It is important to have a strategy of taming fear in you. I personally tend to switch to singing uplifting religious songs as a way of chasing fear from my mind in order to attract faith.

Delete negative thoughts. Thoughts are powerful, so powerful that they yield emotions which could then lead to physical action on your part. Time spent dwelling on negativity can never produce anything positive. Again, you have a choice, to occupy your mind with positivity which brings peace and joy or negativity that gives birth to stress eventually.

Exploit your hobby. We all have something we like doing, more-so something positive to us. It could be sports, music, drawing, reading etc. As a business person, it is crucial that you call up your hobby regularly to calm you down. I have seen people whose stress has been managed by a round of golf.

Have a stress free future.

James Wire is a Small Business and Technology Consultant

Blog: wirejames.com

Twitter: @wirejames

Email: lunghabo (at) gmail (dot) com

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HOW TO – Start a Snacks Business

A Snack is defined as a small portion of food or drink or a light meal, especially one eaten between regular meals (Dictionary.com). Snacks are one of the top selling items in any shop or supermarket in Uganda. Everyone everywhere somehow eats a snack or two daily.

In Uganda, the common snacks are ground nuts (pea nuts), Soya, Mandazi, Chapati, Simsim, Crisps, Chips (french fries), Sumbusa, pan cakes, doughnut, popcorn, gweke (fried maize), cookies among others.

The snack business is characterised by the following;

  • Low entry barriers (can easily be started with few resources)

  • Easily run as a home business

  • Low margins

  • Requires high volume sales

  • Price sensitivity

If you have any remote interest in cooking, then this is one of the most obvious businesses to pursue. Before you start worrying about how to sell the product made, let us scan through the various issues that need to be addressed.

Key Considerations

To set up a snacks business it is crucial that one addresses the listed issues:

  1. Business Plan: Have one, however basic. This plan should be able to guide you on what you plan to produce, how you plan to sell it, anticipated trading volumes, an overview of your operating expenses, targeted sales price among others.

  2. Recipe: Come up with a recipe for the snacks you want to produce. This is very important since you are entering a market that is likely already flooded with similar snacks. It helps if you find a key differentiator. An example, if you chose to go into the Fried Mukene Snacks business today, the edge would be in adding some spices to your recipe that will attract customers to your product.

  3. Raw Materials: You definitely need to acquire raw material which will be processed to form the snacks. This raw material is key in your value chain. Ensure that you set up a steady supply of the raw material to avoid breakdowns in your production cycle. Nothing hurts customers like getting accustomed to your product and then they all of a sudden have to bear with its absence from the market for a week or so. No amount of excuses will win all of them back. You will essentially have gifted them to the competition. If you can stock the raw material to avert such instances, do so.

  4. Production Equipment: You’re going to have to acquire equipment necessary for the production of these snacks. Depending on the snacks in question, the equipment can be as basic as they get. Look around in your local market, talk to people already in similar business to find out where they source their equipment from or at worst, visit the upscale supermarkets and shops that deal in the high end equipment. Your pocket and planned target market is key in determining what kind of equipment you settle for.


    Plastic packaging can be sealed with either the electric sealer, flat iron or candle.

  5. Production Location: Where do you plan to make the snacks from? This is dependent on multiple factors among which is your target market, resource availability, production expectations, type of snacks etc. There are snacks that need to be consumed within a short timeframe after production for the best customer experience like chips, rolex (chapati & egg), sumbusa or fried fish. You also have snacks that can be kept for a while and even packed like mandazi, cookies, roasted groundnuts and gweke. The longer lasting snacks can always be processed from any location, packed well and sold in entirely different locations while for the quick to eat snacks, you need to position your production facility near the customer.

  6. Packaging: This has to do with the way you present your product to the customer. You could choose to go it anyway you want but first assess and see how others are doing it. If you’re going to use supermarkets and shops to retail your products, you need to have decent attractive packaging in place.


    Compare the two packagings. Which one gives better appeal?

    If you plan to sell by the roadside, then all you need might be old newspapers in which to wrap the snacks. Align your packaging with the target market so that you avoid over or under investing in it. This has a direct impact on your sales performance.

  7. Branding: This is the practice of creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumer’s mind. As you set out to sell your snacks, you need to create an identity for them or else they will get lost in the multitudes of products out there. A customer should be able to know that they are buying your product and not any other. Near my home, there is a Chapati seller who branded his stall as Budaka Boys. As a result, it is very convenient for me to send my 8 year old to buy his chapati. Do not undermine your days of small beginnings. Most big name product brands started small. Work on the branding as you go along with the business since it is likely to significantly complement your other efforts. I have developed three household product brands from first principles today and hence know what it means.

  8. Sales Strategy: By now you should be having an idea about how you plan to sell your product. There are numerous ways snacks are sold and some of them include; roadside sales, door to door hawking, office to office hawking, supplying shops or supermarkets, online (whatsapp, facebook etc) among others. Your choice should be determined by the target market you have in mind, cost of product, packaging and capital investment at your disposal.

  9. Human Resources: Do you need to hire workers? Can you do this work on your own (at least for starters)? Are you able to pay the workers? Do you need workers in the production or sales and marketing areas? Ask yourself leading questions before you make a decision. Alternatively, even when you need workers, maybe starting with family labour could be a better strategy. It’s worth learning from the Indians here.

  10. Money: The snack business in its most basic form does not require lots of money to start. With UGShs 100,000/= (Approx US$ 30) one can kickstart this business. However, as stated earlier, being a low margin business, you will need to target volume sales before making sensible returns. This implies re-investing your proceeds religiously at least for the first six months in order to grow the business operations.

This may not be an exhaustive guide but should give you a good idea of the landscape you should expect to find going into the snacks business. Feel free to contact me for more detailed input.

James Wire is a Small Business and Technology Consultant based in Kampala, Uganda

Follow @wirejames on Twitter.

Email lunghabo [at] gmail [dot] com

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